Strategic Rotation Idea Plan Against Non-Nuclear Economic Sanctions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA of Economics at University of Tehran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Management & Accounting, Bu-Ali Sina University, Hamedan, Iran

3 Ph.D. student of the Center for Research in Political Science

4 Ph.D. student of science and technology policy of Tehran University


Based on Trump's foreign policy and security to curb Iran within its borders, it appears that non-binding sanctions would form the main contributor to the Trump policy towards Iran and could potentially have implications for the comprehensive sanctions 2012-2014. The question now is it possible to change the landscape of the game in such a way that it has a reasonable balance and the legitimate rights of the both sides are protected? Such a change requires a shift in the strategic approach to the asymmetric active counteraction to formal diplomatic approaches, and this paper seeks to formulate a strategic turn around in confronting our enemies. The approach of this paper is analytical and its data is often collected from library and online resources. In this paper, after examining some of the necessary preconditions, based on a series of explicit assumptions that has been inspired from the empirical method of development of Shahid Bagheri, a framework in the international arena for use simultaneously The language of diplomacy and resistance is presented. In fact, this paper is helpful in increasing the cost of West adventure which can be obliged enemies for the treaty.


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  • منابع

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