Scenarios for the future of Hashd al-Shaabi in Iraq based on the structure and strategy of actors

Document Type : Research Paper


Khatamol Anbia (AS) Air-Defense University of Army


One of the successful models of managing security issues is the organization and design of the basic people's security model in times of crisisThis model is derived from the theory of mobilizing resources and commanlty to deal with security challenges, which coincides with the victory of the Islamic Revolution Born in Iran and after being tested in the face of hard and soft threats, Today as a efficient and reliable security reference model in the geography of the axis of has expanded.Hashd al-Shaabi, in addition to playing a role in ensuring the stability and security of Iraq after two decades of political instability in this country and overcoming the Salafi-Takfiri terrorism of ISIS, has today become one of the sides of the axis of Islamic resistance and a strategic role in the future of the axis of resistance will perform. By understanding the necessity and importance of the position of the Hashd al-Shaabi in Iraq and the axis of resistance, the question arises, what scenarios can be drawn for the future of the Hashd al-Shaabi in Iraq? The upcoming research, by using the method of analyzing the structure and strategy of actors and the tool of expert questionnaire and data analysis through Mektor software, seeks to achieve the future scenarios of Hashd al-Shaabi in Iraq. Based on the interests of the actors and the convergence and divergence between them one can be imagine the possible scenario, the probable scenario and the desired scenario for this organization in Iraq.


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