Analyzing security crises (with an emphasis on rumours)

Document Type : Research Paper


Farabi Faculty of Science and Technology


It has been proven that among the effective factors in the formation of security crises; Psychological measures have always had an irreplaceable position, but due to the extent, addressing each of its areas; It requires independent research. This research aims to analyze the role of this phenomenon in the formation of security crises due to the rapid impact of rumors on the target society.

The purpose of this research is to investigate the role of rumors in the formation of security crises, and it seeks to answer the question: "What role does rumor play in the formation of security crises?"

This research in terms of type; It is an applied research that was conducted in a descriptive-survey manner and in which the researcher only described the variables and the existing situation objectively. The statistical population of this research is made up of 50 elites and experts from scientific-executive centers, intelligence, security, military and law-enforcement agencies of J.A. with at least 10 years of scientific-executive activity experience and at least a master's degree. All numbers are included as a sample population.

cultural grievances, inadequacies and shortcomings" and among the 15 areas that play a role in rumors in the spread of security crises; "The lack of attention of the system to the demands and expectations of the people" have had the greatest impact on the formation of security crises.


Main Subjects