The role of a lawyer in preventing procrastination in the Iranian judicial system

Document Type : Research Paper


Law Group. faculty of Human Sciences. Islamic Azad university. Semnan


The problem of prolonging the resolution of disputes in the courts of "procrastination" is not specific to a particular country. This problem is more or less seen in most of the judicial systems of countries and is one of the serious legal issues of countries. Lawyers, as part of the judicial system, can play an important role in reducing the "delay of the trial" or “procrastination”. It is possible that lawyers postpone the case for a long time due to the complexity of the case. Therefore, the process of procrastination can be examined from both positive and negative aspects. In this article, the purpose of the researcher is to investigate the reasons for procrastination by lawyer and its impact on the proceedings. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to investigate the role of lawyers in procrastination and determine the consequences of procrastination on public dissatisfaction and distrust of the judiciary, which has been done using a descriptive-analytical method. The results of this study indicate that procrastination may occur for a variety of reasons: Absence of the lawyer in the hearing and non-submission of the bill, filing lawsuits, silence of the lawyer in the face of possible mistake of the judge, biased and untimely resignation of the lawyer and formalities related to the service of court documents such as: notification, subpoena, statement, lawsuit It is in the Iranian judicial system that the role of a lawyer is very important in these ceremonial matters.


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    الف- فارسی

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