An approach to the relationship between military authority and negotiation in the mind of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of National Defense, Higher National Defense University

2 Assistant Professor, Higher National Defense University


Political dialogue and relations alone cannot give rise to political authority. Of course, dialogue is a necessary condition, but it is not enough. Political power is achieved when dialogue is accompanied by military power and deterrent power, and for this reason, military authority not only facilitates political dialogue, but also political power. The main purpose of this article is an approach to the relationship between military authority and negotiation in the opinion of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. This article is an applied type of descriptive-analytical method and the sample size is 74 people. The method of collecting information is field and library, in which first the relevant statements of the Supreme Leader (30 sheets) were extracted as a dimension and were compiled and indexed through surveying and expert opinion, then based on Documentary and library studies of related materials (21 sheets) were extracted as a dimension and were compiled and indexed through surveying and expert opinion. According to the research findings, 12 factors express the approach of the relationship between military authority and negotiation in the mind of the Supreme Commander of the Armed Forces. These factors include: missile power; Military authority; Increase deterrent power; Regional power and influence; Progress and increase capability; God-centeredness and struggle in the way of God; Defensive authority; Esteghlal; Active, authoritative and effective presence; Adherence to principles and ideals; Movement power and convergence with jihadi groups of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


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  • منابع

    الف- فارسی

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