Consequences of cyberspace for countries' maritime strategy and security

Document Type : Research Paper


The role of cyber space in the maritime environment of the countries is very prominent and it contains important consequences for the security and maritime strategy of the countries. In this regard, the question of the present article is what is the role of naval forces in the field of cyber space and what are the consequences (opportunities and challenges) of this space for the security and maritime strategy of countries? In response to this question, by using the descriptive-analytical method and document research tools, we came to the proposition that cyberspace is the core of success in naval missions and forms the basis of control and command of naval forces. Intelligence-based systems enable battlespace awareness, intelligence gathering, targeting, and other capabilities. The goal of modern naval forces is to maintain the freedom of maneuver and deprive the enemy of freedom of action at sea, which is provided by cyber capabilities and equipment. Adversaries' cyber capabilities, such as precision targeting and long-range attacks on ships, mean that navies at sea are more tightly interconnected than ever before, yet more vulnerable. The traditional balance of power between navies and adversaries has been disrupted by the proliferation of cyber capabilities, which has created asymmetries. Cyber ​​capabilities also make smaller navies and non-state actors disproportionately powerful.


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  • منابع و مأخذ


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