Indicators of hidden defense diplomacy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 SNDU Professor

2 Imam Hussein university faculty member

3 research department

4 Assistant Professor at Supreme National Defense University

5 SNDU,, Ph.D candidate in Regional Studies


Covert diplomacy covers a wide range of positions, from quasi-official behind-the-scenes diplomacy led by opposition groups to deniable methods such as secret diplomacy, secret spy services. Defense covert diplomacy has its own dimensions, components and indicators, the main purpose of the research is to identify the indicators of defense covert diplomacy. The type of applied research has been carried out in a contextual-case method with a quantitative approach, the data collection method is documentary and library, and the sample size is 30 people. Based on the theoretical foundations based on the rational theory or the wise actor in the framework of the positivism paradigm, 12 functions and indicators for covert diplomacy have been performed, and according to the research findings, 41 indicators for defense covert diplomacy have been obtained. The number of 39 indicators played a significant role in the defense secret diplomacy. According to the results of the research, two indicators "military exhibition and military competitions" were not confirmed.


Main Subjects

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