Identity pathology of emerging mysticism

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Emploee

2 faculty of politics, Islamic Azad University


Emerging mysticism is a concept that, like all concepts in the humanities, does not have a clear and concise definition, but as a general definition, we can say that emerging mysticism belongs to groups of spiritualists who after the 1800s, especially in the 1960s, based on elements of modernity, especially humanism. Secularism, instrumental rationality, etc. are formed and claim to make contemporary human beings happy and prosperous by psychic means. Given that there is a fundamental challenge between the positive identities of these modern spiritualities with the Islamic-Iranian identity of the country and in fact the Islamic Revolution, lack of proper understanding and knowledge of this phenomenon can have consequences for the future of the Islamic Revolution, because spirituality Emerging from the foundations of the liberal democratic system with a soft and creepy movement seek to secularize spirituality, which in turn is in direct opposition to the divine spirituality originated from pure Islam and the Islamic Revolution, the growth and influence of these groups in the long run according to To the deviation that unknowingly creates in the mind of the audience of spirituality, it can affect the identity of individuals and damage religious beliefs, therefore, its recognition and management is necessary and only in the light of insight. This article is to show the consequences of emerging spiritualities in making the divine and Iranian identity of the Islamic Revolution impossible (goal) and uses the method of description and analysis (method).


Main Subjects

  1. منابع

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