Investigating political-religious currents affected by From the Discourse of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq And its effects on the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Isfahan University- Department of Islamic Studies -

2 sndu


Iraq has historically been ethnically and religiously diverse, and its political sovereignty has been circulated among different ethnicities and religions. Political-military groups formed in Iraq, based on religious principles and different political and military goals, have sought to change the status quo to a desirable one. The complex situation of Iraqi political and military currents and the impact of their activities on the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the political relations between the two countries is of strategic importance. The main issue of this study is to examine the political-religious trends influenced by the discourse of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq and its effects on the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Therefore, it is attempted to study the degree of conformity of the political and military currents affected by the Islamic Revolution with the discourse of the Islamic Revolution and to analyze its impact on the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This study was an applied one and was done by descriptive-analytical method and questionnaire tool and the sample population was 42 people. The results of the study generally indicate that the more the intellectual characteristics and field performance of each of the Iraqi political and military groups are more in line with the principles of the discourse of the Islamic Revolution, they have a positive impact on enhancing the national security of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Main Subjects

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منابع اینترنتی: