Readiness Measurement Model for Universities to Become an Entrepreneurial University

Document Type : Research Paper


1 مدرس

2 Department of Industrial Management, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


This article identifies the main factors and components of the university's ability. In this study, after extracting the indicators of the entrepreneurial university and the interdisciplinary factors that create these indicators, the prioritization and weight of each of them have been measured to provide a model for measuring the ability of higher education institutions to become an entrepreneurial university. The extraction of this new knowledge has been done by using the opinions of interdisciplinary experts. In terms of data collection, it is a kind of descriptive research. The online questionnaires were distributed and the answers were collected and the answers were collected after extensive review of theoretical foundations and identification of the main factors and components in universities across the country and in different universities. The obtained results show that twelve internal and external factors are effective in creating and strengthening sixty-nine indicators necessary to become an entrepreneurial university. 28.04% of this model is related to structural indexing factors, 65.97% to content indexing factors and only 5.98% of the factors are related to contextual indicators. The proposed strategy of this article is to pay attention to the content indicators in the first place and in the second place to pay attention to the structural indicators in higher education institutions to become an entrepreneurial university. In this strategy, 68.20% of the factors affecting the readiness of the higher education institution to its internal factors and the impact of external factors is less than one third (31.80%).


Main Subjects

  • منابع

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