Designing a strategic Monitoring model for the implementation of the general policies of the system (during implementation) in the defense industry

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D, in Industrial Management, Department of Industrial Management Qazvin Branch Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran

2 Phd Student, Strategic Managment group of Mangment Faculty National Defense Supreme Faculty of Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Prof.,Maleke Ashtar Industrial University of Tehran, Iran


The issue of strategic Monitoring is the most important issue in any political and social system and it linked to social responsibility inextricablyStrategic Monitoring, along with control and evaluation, plays the crucial role in governance, robustness, and proper management In Islamic thought, too, Monitoring a fundamental issue in the religious, political, and social spheres. This study, according to the Supreme Leader's strategy based on organizing the issue of monitoring the implementation of policies, while examining the paradigms and models of strategic Monitoring of policy implementation at the national and transnational levels, examines the overall policy implementation of the system in the defense industry has set.The main purpose of this study is to provide a model of strategic Monitoring of the implementation of the system's general policies in the defense industry.This research in terms of purpose, application, development, and its research method is a combination.In this research, first qualitative data and then quantitative data have been collected. The combination of qualitative and quantitative data is also exploratory in that the first stage, achieving the main elements of the model of monitoring and control of the implementation of general policies of the system in the defense industry qualitative approaches are used and in the second stage, elements and identified, discovered variables with the approach have been completed and validated slightly.The presented model consists of 7 dimensions, 33 components, and 86 indicator which systematically include in_situ monitoring.The dimensions are"monitoring the development of policy realization translators","monitoring the bedrock of policy implementation"and"monitoring policy implementation requirements"


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    الف- فارسی

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