Developing scenarios for effectiveness of public sector research centers in Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Public Administration, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran

2 Department of Public Administration, tehran, Branch, Islamic Azad University, tehran, Iran


Measuring the performance of the Center for Strategic Defense Research is more difficult than the private sector due to ambiguity in the objectives, the nature of the duties and the diversity of its employees. The purpose of this paper is to design a model for performance management of Center for Strategic Defense Research using a competitive approach and dynamical modeling of systems. The type of research is the exploratory purpose and the survey research method, which has been gathered by 18 management experts using required data. The research findings showed that there is no best criterion for assessing the performance of research and research centers, and the embotic model that represents the key factors of effectiveness octal measures are introduced to manage the performance of these centers. In this research, using a dynamic system approach, a dynamic model of performance management of research centers was presented. Then, with the aid of Vensim software, we examined the effects of different components of this model on each other in 6 different scenarios to determine which variables have the most impact on the performance management system. The results showed that if the research centers cut the planning policy, the share of internal processes (IP) and the open system (OS) up to 50%, the share of the HR (HR) model and teamwork also doubled and improved.


Main Subjects

  • منابع

    الف- فارسی

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