Aesthetics of the relationship between political subject and the politics

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Shahid Beheshti University, Faculty of Economics, Department of Political Science

2 Beheshti University / Faculty of Economics / Department of Political Science


Political aesthetics seeks to bring the marginalized actors back to the realm of politics with the aim of "redistributing the tangible" and criticizing conventional politics, which in Jacques Rancière's view is called "policing." In this text, we try to express the approach and thought of different thinkers and thinkers about aesthetics, and then by expressing the components of political affairs and the challenges of political subjects in different eras with the help of Ransier's aesthetic approach to politics, eliminate the shortcomings of this. Approach and add new components to it to pay attention to the aesthetics of the subject and political matter. In the aesthetic analysis of political matter in this text, the political subject must acquire his subject-being from the inner self of the active and the passive, in order to realize the political matter, be connected with the meaning, be problem-oriented and concerned, to truthful events. Be loyal and this will cause a substantial movement in the political subject; and the political matter, in addition to formal developments, must also change in terms of content and be linked to morality and lovemaking and be measured by new criteria. It is in this realm that bioethics and lovemaking are possible in the aesthetic realm of politics in the light of new criteria for measuring the actions and meaningful resistance of the political subject.


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  • منابع

    الف- فارسی

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