Risk Analysis in Probable Security Threats Against Urban Water Infrastructure with Passive Defense Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Allame Tabatabaee university

2 PhD student of Strategic management of passive defense


Industrial-economic infrastructure is one of the most important goals in hybrid warfare as well as terrorist attacks, which is aimed to weakening the resistance will in the society and the inability of governments to provide the necessary services and continuity of activities. Therefore, the implementation of passive defense projects and the protection of these centers are essential to reduce vulnerability and increase deterrence and national resilience to crises. Considering the importance of urban water infrastructure in the general order of society, The aim of this study is "risk analysis of urban water infrastructure against basic biological, cyber, military and security threats with passive defense approach". Accordingly, the main question is; "What is the risk analysis of the attack on urban water infrastructure with basic biological, cyber, military and security threats in water and sewage companies?" »Research is applied-developmental in terms of purpose and analytical-contextual in type. To answer in a combined way, library methods have been used to classify assets, Also, the expert meeting method has been used with the cooperation of 15experts and managers to score threats, vulnerabilities and complete the tables of risk assessment and analysis. The results show that the highest risk factor of main water supply infrastructure in biological attack on wells and water production resources with a risk factor of 630. the highest risk factor in the main functions of water supply was assigned to: The biological attack on the function of water supply services with a risk factor of 800.


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع


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