Identifying and prioritizing the effective factors for achieving the wanted regional order (West Asia) in the field of defense-security

Document Type : Research Paper


Supreme National Defense University


institutionalized Behavioral rules, patterns, and structures that can influence the behavior of actors in a region are called regional order. The greater the degree of this institutionalization, the more desirable the order. The Islamic Republic of Iran is an actor that defines its sphere of power at the regional level and tries to play an active role in shaping the order of the desired regions. This research is of applied type and its approach is a combination of descriptive-analytical method. Data were collected through both library and field methods through a questionnaire and to evaluate the reliability of the researcher-made questionnaire, Cronbach's alpha test in SPSS software was used, the results of which were calculated to be equal to 0.942, a statistically population of 42 people who were purposefully selected answered the questionnaire. The results showed that these factors can be identified in 3 variables, 13 components and 35 items. The findings indicated that three items: (1) Endowment of defense and security power and its consolidation and consolidation by the Islamic Republic of Iran, (2) Efforts to weaken or eliminate regional ties and interactions of the Zionist regime with regional actors in the field of defense and security, (3) the inability of the United States to resolve defense and security issues in the region;Three components: (1) internal self-reliance, (2) the elimination of interfering actors, and (3) the failure of US regional policies. Three variables: (1) regional, (2) domestic, and (3) international, respectively, are of greater importance and therefore higher priority.


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع

    الف- فارسی

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