Prosecution of International Humanitarian Law Violations related to the Settlement in Palestinian Occupied Territories in International Criminal Court

Document Type : Research Paper


1 MA in International Law, Mofid University,Qom

2 Master Degree of International Law

3 PhD in Criminal Law and Criminology

4 Faculty Member of Shiraz PNU


Zionist settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories which have been maintained since the establishment of the fake Zionist regime are considered as one of the main aspects of gross violations of international criminal law. In this study, by invoking the Four Geneva Conventions(1949) and their additional protocols(1977), the provisions of statutes of International Criminal Court and international case law , the authors seek to determine what are the concrete cases of violations of international criminal law resulting from the Zionist settlements in the occupied Palestinian territories. The result is that by crimes including the destruction of Palestinian houses and their prohibition from access to their natural recourses , severe deprivation of social and individual rights and the transfer of the civilian Zionist population into the occupied Palestinian territories , the Zionist Regime has committed war crimes under the article 8 of the statute of International Criminal Court. However, in exercising its jurisdiction ,International Criminal Court faces important challenges such as territorial jurisdiction, limiting the Court to exercise its jurisdiction following the 13 June 2014 and how to implement inspection


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

    الف. فارسی

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