Interpretive structural modeling of optimal strategic control in institutional universities based on fuzzy technique

Document Type : Research Paper


1 emam hosein university

2 Imam hossein university


The main purpose of this research is to design a comprehensive and indigenous model of optimal strategic control in the university under study, which has an institutional and organizational nature, which tries to answer the question: What elements should have the desired control system in the desired environment ?! And how these elements can be applied as a coherent model in the form of grading and using the technique of fuzzy interpretive structural equations. In terms of purpose, the present study is an applied type in which using a hybrid-exploratory design, effective factors and indicators in the model are identified and then quantitative methods are used to examine the details and level the components of the model. The research findings include 4 levels, in which the values and core beliefs are at level one and have more stimulating power and less dependence. Also, due to the fact that the variables of space and physical environment, educational processes, strategic alignment control and internal environment interactions are at the highest level, these variables have less irritability and more dependence. Another result of the research is that the criterion for evaluating space and physical environment is of the autonomous type, which has a low degree of dependence and conductivity.


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع و مأخذ

    الف- فارسی

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