Generalization of Interiligator Missile Arms Race Model by Adding Missile Defense Systems

Document Type : Research Paper


1 economics expert/ Melal economic group

2 professor of Allameh tabataba'i university


Countries pay special attention to their security to protect their people, land, resources and economic interests and spend considerable resources on this. countries' concerns about compromising security and avoiding potential danger could lead them to an arms race. using the Richardson arms race model, Intelligitor has extracted the balance of the two countries involved in the missile arms race using the reaction functions of the countries. considering that in the mentioned model, only the missile assets of the countries are included. in the present study, by adding the factor of missile defense systems, new reaction functions and new equilibrium in the number of missiles required by the countries have been extracted. the results indicate that the acquisition of missile defense systems by one of the countries involved in the arms race, under the influence of the components of the number of missile defense systems, their success rate and attack duration, will definitely increase the missile needs of the other country in the arms race between them. on the other hand due to the influence of other factors such as the duration of missile strikes on both sides, Success ratio of missile defense system operations and the number of missile defense systems, the missile balance of the country with missile defense systems can be reduced or increased.


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    الف- فارسی

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