Feasibility Study of Establishment of a Collective Security Regime in West Asia Region (Obstacles and capacities)

Document Type : Research Paper


national security institute


West Asian countries faced with a variety of security problems and need a way out of this situation, including the establishment of a collective security regime. In this study, we try to identify the opportunities and challenges facing the countries of the region, to answer the questions: what is the collective security regime and is there a basis for creating a collective security regime in this region? What are the environmental variables and convergent or divergent factors for creating such a regime? To answer these questions, by using the interpretive paradigm and Environmental survey and Content analysis methods , attempts was made to analyze the data to determine the components involved in the research problem. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to identify the effective factors, capacities and capabilities of the countries in the region in establishing a collective security regime. Based on this, the present study is of a development-applied type in terms of purpose. Examination of documents and analysis of our environment leads us to the conclusion that achieving a single mechanism to meet the security needs of West Asian countries is one of the important regional priorities and in creating a collective security regime, divergent factors such as instability in foreign policy and Competition between countries in the region, and convergent factors such as religious, cultural, social, and geographical affinities play important role.


Main Subjects

  • منابع

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