Provide an appropriate model of key factors for knowledge management success In order to increase creativity and organizational learning in the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Head of the Department of Compilation and Review of Dafoos Aja Educational Books and Documents

2 Head of the Department of Group Studies, Office of War Research, University Command and Staff


In this research, it has been tried to determine the factors that increase the creativity and organizational learning in AJA at the same time among the various factors that affect the success of knowledge management. Therefore, seven factors that are common to the key success factors of creativity and organizational learning were examined. The present study aimed to determine the key factors of knowledge management success to increase both creativity and organizational learning in the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran. This research is descriptive-survey in terms of applied purpose and its implementation method and based on quantitative analysis approach (structural equations). The statistical population of this study includes 850 elites, administrators and university professors at the level of the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Using the Cochran method, a sample of 265 people was selected by stratified sampling. Data analysis was performed through statistical tests and structural equation model analysis using SPSS and LISREL software. The results show that among all seven key factors of knowledge management success (organizational culture, knowledge sharing, reward allocation, information technology, senior management support, human resource management and knowledge-based strategies) that increase organizational creativity and learning , Only two factors of knowledge-based strategies and human resource management have simultaneously increased organizational creativity and organizational learning in the Army of the Islamic Republic of Iran.


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

    الف. فارسی

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