synergy of public officials aligned as transformative, transcendental and civilized ambassadors (competencies & ways of its improvement)

Document Type : Research Paper


Allameh Tabataba’i University


To achieve a new Islamic civilization, the public officials' role in the efficiency of religion and excellence of the Islamic system is exclusive. In this regard, this Article attempted to take steps to establish the Islamic Government in the new chapter of the life of the Islamic Republic of Iran by counting the components of competency of the public officials aligned with The Islamic Republic of Iran and improving those components.

In the research process, having used textual Grounded Theory, all Ayatollah Khamenei’s statements were recorded among the public officials, and the data were analyzed by open, selective and theoretical coding.

Based on the strategy-oriented and value-oriented approach in specifying the competencies, 22 main categories for public officials' competencies and also 16 main categories for their improvement were identified.

Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran can be effective at the horizon of the civilization of Islamic Revolution in the universe, by effectively training and organizing the public officials aligned with The Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, in line with the transformative, transcendental and civilized competencies, having used ways to strengthen the internal construction, generational cohesion, identifying and guiding talented young human resources and expanding think tanks and shall take firm steps toward civilization through synergy of its public officials in the form of " transformative, transcendental and civilized ambassadors".


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    الف- فارسی

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