Environmental obligations of transnational corporations and their International Responsibility on breach of obligations; Case study of Caspian Sea pollution

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor in International Law, Department of Public & International Law, School of Law & Political Sciences, Shiraz University, Shiraz, Iran

2 Professor of International Law, Department of Public & International Law, School of Law & Political Sciences, University of Tehran


Expanding influence in Transnational corporations made them an attractive international law subjects. One of the most important legal issue of these companies are always the environmental law violations. Multiple violation of the environmental law in the past years, bolded the need to clarity international standards governing their environmental behavior as well as their responsibility for violations. this article uses a descriptive-analytical method to answer the question that in the framework of international law, what are the rules governing the environmental behavior of these companies and what is their international responsibility? In response, it is argued that although international law has been able to establish environmental minimums (soft legal rules) in relation to these companies, the two issues of environmental requirements and the responsibility for violating these requirements are still challenging. In terms of international responsibility for breaches of environmental obligations, the general rules of international law are applicable. Considering the importance of the Caspian Sea and its environmental protection, the issue of oil pollution of this sea by transnational companies contracting with the Republic of Azerbaijan is also briefly examined as an issue.


Main Subjects


    فهرست منابع و مآخذ

    الف- فارسی

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