Conceptualization and model of Command Eshraf from viewpoint of the Supreme Commander in Chief: Describing its connection with organizational performance management

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD student of systems management, The Imam Hossein Comprehensive University

2 Assistant professor of Imam Hussein Comprehensive University


Theory of Command Eshraf (CE) is of organizational knowledge in Armed forced of IRI which founded by the supreme commander in chief in ends of 70s and introduced gradually. Base on the supreme’ viewpoint, this work (CE) can lead all Armed forced of IRI into movement and should be continued. The aim of this study is to explain the concept and model of CE based on viewpoint of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief and its connection with organizational performance management (OPM). Therefore, ideas of the supreme commander-in-chief about EC extracted and analyzed based on ground theory. In open coding phase and through all direct expressions anout CE, 293 codes, 34 concepts and 13 categories produced. In selective coding phase and through indirect expressions about CE, 359 codes and 11 new concepts created and 6 concepts were reviewed. Finally, CE model designed through theoretical coding in three levels named contextual factors, process and results and achievements. The validity of research model checked and verified from process and content perspective. The result of this study showed that OPM has specific characteristics in Armed forced. Secondly, Command Eshraf is a different but related concept with OPM and its clear feature is in monitoring, evaluation and analysis of organizational realities or status quo. Attention to faith and belief principles and guidance of Islam and also native issue of country and armed forced are distinctive characteristic of CE model. Consequently, it possesses of more importance and applicability for military organizations and probably public sector.


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

    الف- منابع فارسی

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