Diagnosis of non-oil Export finance in Iran using SBC approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor of Gonbad Kavous University

2 Academic member of Iranian Institute for Trade Studies and Research (ITSR).


In this study, export finance methods and the role of export credit institutions for easing of the export process is presented. Moreover, diagnosis of Iran non-oil export finance at macro, manufacture industries and business levels is studied by SBC approach through analytical-descriptive and survey methods. The results of the survey 45 selected exporters show that export companies are generally faced with three types of financial constraints which include environmental, Behavioral and structural constrains. Environmental constrains are related to fluctuations of macroeconomic variables such as exchange rates, low international relations of financial and banking, and Guarantee restrictions. Some of behavioral difficulties consist of low volume of export credits and high financial costs. Structural barriers are mainly due to weak coordination between export credit institutions for example between Export Development Bank of Iran and Export Guarantee Fund of Iran. Some of the most important policy implications consist of foreign exchange market management, improvement of banking and financial relations with foreign credit institutions in accordance with international standards, drafting a country risk reduction program in order to absorb foreign resources, increasing export credits via national development fund resources, reducing export financial cost, transfer cost Compensation of national development fund's resources from foreign banks by the government, codification of an export development strategy for export priorities determination, export finance programing for SMEs and knowledge based industries, utilizing the buyer's credit capacity for export markets diversification, Allocation of some public institutions resources for re-exports.


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  • منابع

    الف- فارسی

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