Conceptual Model of New Methods of Preventing And Combating Corruption in the Islamic Republic of Iran Denmark

Document Type : Research Paper


1 ph.d national security

2 Research Director of the School of National Security (Higher National Defense University)


One of the most basic measures for empowering the regulatory bodies including the National Inspection Organization Of Iran is to use the successful human experience and knowledge under the regulatory agencies of the world. To be used by the National Inspection Organization Of Iran, the current research investigated the procedures for preventing and combating corruption of the Danish Inspection body, which has been ranked first among the countries in the world in terms of corruption according to the Corruption Perceptions Index of the Organization of Transparency International. The methodology of this research is based on epistemological assumptions, a combined method and applied-developmental method was utilized as per the aim of the research. The data collection method included documentary or library methods, field and in-depth interviews. Then, in the quantitative stage, the research questionnaire was prepared and designed according to the qualitative stage. For the qualitative part, the statistical population of the research involved managers, policy experts of the National Inspection Organization Of Iran and the respective scientific experts. Also, for the quantitative part, the statistical community of this study included experts in the executive field of the National Inspection Organization Of Iran and the supervisory field of executive bodies. The findings of this research on Danish experiences including criminality in the private sector, equality of all individuals before the law, transparency, job security, etc., which resulted in conclusions and suggestions for the policy making of the Islamic Republic of Iran and its National Inspection Organization.


Main Subjects

  • منابع

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