identifying and prioritizing components affecting maturity of knowledge management in Iranian public organizations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Department of Public Administration, Qazvin Branch. Islamic Azad University. Qazvin. Iran

2 industrial management, faculty of humanities,, shahed university, Tehran,Iran.

3 public management, west tehran faculty, Islamic Azad University, Tehran.Iran.


Achieving the desired situation is the definite need of any organization. Knowledge specialists are trying to solve this important problem by providing strategic models of knowledge management. The purpose of this study is to identify and prioritize the factors affecting the maturity of knowledge management in public organizations in Iran. In the present study, which was performed by a mixed method, in the qualitative section, the components were identified by referring to 20 experts in a purposeful non-random manner and the finalization of the indicators was calculated by the single-stage fuzzy Delphi method. In the quantitative part, from the statistical population, 321 people were selected from four public ministries and using the technique of group hierarchical analysis, the most important components affecting the maturity of knowledge management were prioritized. The results show that the environmental dimension with the component of public laws and regulations, the organizational dimension with the components (culture, strategy, structure, technology, leadership and support of senior managers) and the intellectual capital dimension with two components (individual ability and behavioral competence) on maturity Knowledge management has an impact on Iranian public organizations. Also, in terms of ranking the components of leadership and support of senior management, public laws and regulations, organizational strategy, organizational structure, individual capability and organizational culture are ranked first to sixth, respectively. The findings of this study can be used by public organizations to successfully implement knowledge management.


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

    الف. منابع فارسی

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