The Effect of Factors affecting customers' E-loyalty of SATA E-insurance services

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Prof in Command and Staff University of AJA

2 Phd in POM, Semnan University


The present study aims to investigate the impact trust and perceived risk of customers of SATA electronic insurance services on electronic loyalty considering the mediator role of satisfaction. Descriptive-survey method has been applied in the present study. Sample of the study includes all the SATA customers in Tehran who have used the e-insurance services in order to perform online services at least for once. The sample size calculated using the Cochran formula in the infinite number of 285 and cluster sampling method was used for the calculations. Data collection tool was a 31-question questionnaire; validity and reliability of the questionnaire has been approved using Cronbach's Alpha. Data analysis was done using Amos 22 and structural equation modeling was applied. The results showed that there is a positive meaningful effect of perceived risk and trust of the customers of e-insurance services on customer satisfaction and the satisfaction on e-loyalty. The results also indicated that satisfaction plays a positive mediator role in the relationship between the perceived risk and trust of the costumers and their e-loyalty.


Main Subjects

  • الف. منابع فارسی

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