A Framework for Explaining Parent Company Maturity Path to Resistive Economy

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Tehran Iran

2 , Management & Accounting Faculty, Allameh Tabatabaie University

3 Associate professor of Business Management, Allameh Tabataba'i University of Tehran

4 Department of public administration, faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran


Article 16 of the Resistive Economics General Policy Document emphasizes a fundamental change in the structures to reduce countries general costs. Economic resilience and stability are two key components in defining a resistive economy. Numerous studies and experiences of recent years in outrageous sanctions have shown that large firms with high competitive power can be regarded as the center of gravity of economic resilience and economic sustainability.Around 30% of IRAN GDP (2008-2016) is produced by companies which are listed as holding in IMI100.Managing the organizing process of parent company to achievement to resistive economy- is one of the most important firm manager’s duties. Although a lot of researches were done about multi business companies, but little can find about challenges in the Metamorphosis process. In this research we introduce a framework for parent company maturity path challenges and solutions. In this multi case study, all data gathered by interview and reviewing related literature from three Iranian multi business companies. Thematic analysis is used for analysing the data. Three parent company maturity stages and related challenges and solutions are introduced in final framework.


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

    الف. منابع فارسی

    • رحمان­سرشت آ، و فتح‌اللهی، ا (1389). استراتژی‌ها و شیوه‌ها در شرکت‌های مادر. تهران: دوران.
    • صنایع مس (1396)، بازیابی از شرکت ملی صنایع مس ایران: nicico.com
    • مبینی، م و معمارزاده طهران، غ (1395)، آینده‌پژوهی سازمان‌های دولتی ایران متناسب با الزامات اقتصاد مقاومتی، فصلنامه سیاست‌های راهبردی و کلان.
    • مؤمنی، م و فعال قیومی، ع (1391)، تحلیل آماری با استفاده از spss. تهران: گنج شایگان.
    • نوفرستی، م (1395)، اقتصاد مقاومتی و راه‌های دستیابی به آن، فصلنامه سیاست‌های راهبردی و کلان.


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