Qualitative Meta-Analysis of Knowledge Management And Entrepreneurship

Document Type : Research Paper


assistant professor



Although research on knowledge management in entrepreneurial organizations has attracted the attention of many scholars, most of these studies have been conducted independently rather than institutionally, geographically, or industrially. The purpose of this study is to combine the role of the field of activity with knowledge management research and examine the subsequent consequences of entrepreneurship. This article examines the theory of entrepreneurial knowledge spillover, open innovation theory and institutional perspective of knowledge management in entrepreneurial organizations and evaluates the return on investment in knowledge and knowledge spillover in different industries and different levels of economic activity (individual, company, industry, university, region). To achieve this goal, the latest authoritative foreign articles published in this field by qualitative meta-analysis method and using Maxqda 2020 qualitative analysis software in six steps and research findings in three sections, research methodology analysis, Qualitative content analysis of research articles and findings are explained and at the end, recommendations for future research are provided. Findings of this study show that knowledge management is affected by internal and external investment in knowledge and both of these investments directly or indirectly affect innovation in the organization. On the other hand, innovation is often the basis of entrepreneurship because of its competitive advantage in business.


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

    الف. منابع فارسی

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