Scenarios of Iranian NGOs in the next decade

Document Type : Research Paper


defae melli


by recognizing the future possibilities of the people 's organizations and making the necessary preparations for any change in this field , not only greatly reduces the damage and threats , which become an important role in resolving the problems of people and governance . therefore , the present study entitled " " scenarios of iranian non - governmental organizations in the next ten years " " aimed to help decision - making managers . the main question of this research is " " scenarios from iran to the next decade ?" . this research is a qualitative research and in terms of outcome , it is applied and to collect data from both library and documentary methods and in different stages of the field , the content analysis and content analysis was used . there was no significant difference between the two groups . finally , from the intersection of key uncertainties , four scenarios ( converge and empowered ) , granite ( diverging and weak ) , hyena ( diverging and weak ) and permeable horse ( diverging and divergent ) have been written and one can conclude that the solution to the desired scenario is to adopt an active approach .


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

    الف. منابع فارسی

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