Geopolitical environmental model of countries around the Islamic Republic of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper




The environment of each country mainly includes geographical places and spaces in which the goals, opportunities and threats of each country are defined and surrounds every strategic and political action of the country. Therefore, for political units, accurate knowledge of the geopolitical environment around them is crucial. Geographical places and spaces, depending on their location, characteristics and structural and functional elements, have different values that are not stable and change over time. An example of this is the geopolitical areas of the environment of the Islamic Republic of Iran, which has a value fluidity; So that some of these areas in the past were considered low geopolitical areas, but today has a high geopolitical value or vice versa. In fact, recognizing the dimensions and geopolitical variables of the countries around the Islamic Republic of Iran is the main purpose of this author in compiling this article. In this work, a descriptive-analytical method is used and the author tries to extract the research findings by conducting library and theoretical studies, recognizing the geopolitical components of Iran's neighboring countries, presenting a questionnaire and conducting tests on the questionnaire data. Present the research results in the form of an efficient model for understanding the surrounding environments of the country.


Main Subjects

  •  فهرست منابع و مآخذ

    الف. منابع فارسی

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