Political Space Organization in Resolving and Preventing Crisis in Disciplinary Management, Affected by Iran's Geopolitical Capabilities (Case Study: Khuzestan Province)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PhD Student in Political Geography - Central Tehran Azad University - Tehran - Iran

2 Associate Professor of Department of Geography, Azad University, Central Tehran Branch Tehran - iran

3 Assistant Professor, Azad University of Tehran, Central Tehran, Iran


The political divisions of a country have always been one of the issues that developing countries should pay attention to in order to carry out better economic, cultural, social and administrative planning and take advantage of these factors. However, political divisions in order to reduce decentralization But must necessarily step in the direction of the national security goals of the land. Khuzestan province has been one of the most challenging provinces in the country in recent decades and has faced many security, environmental and economic crises, and in this regard, it seems that the division of the country in this province may reduce the problems. And the challenges of the province will be fruitful. Therefore, the present study uses descriptive-analytical and applied methods to explain the need to review the political divisions of Khuzestan province in order to prevent police management crises. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the most important reasons for the need for political divisions in Khuzestan province and its effects in preventing crises in the disciplinary management of the province, based on which the SWAT strategic analysis model has been used. It can be effective in reducing the problems of Khuzestan province to the two provinces of North Khuzestan and South Khuzestan, and the division of the province can provide many opportunities at the local, national and regional levels for this province and the western region of the country.


Main Subjects

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