Document Type : Research Paper


1 Assistant Professor, Command & Staff College

2 Department of Management, Science and Technology, AmirKabir University of Technology (Tehran, Polytechnic)

3 professor, Amir Kabir University of Technology



The present research is a case study which has extracted features and characteristics of Smart threats. In addition to providing lexical definitions, it has carried out some statistical tests on the concept, features, main objectives, the function, dimensions, and components of these threats. ‌

The results of quantitative studies were investigated using statistical analysis to assess the research variables. Research hypotheses were then explored in terms of whether or not they matched with the obtained results using inferential statistics. In this regard, the confirmatory factor analysis was carried out by the AMOS software, and research hypotheses were analyzed by the SPSS software. ‌‌‌

The conformity of the eight research hypotheses with study results is the achievement of this research. Accordingly, ‌the threat extent (i.e., the extent of the environment), depth, repetition, time, domain, location, and type are different aspects of Smart threats assessment. ‌

Keywords: threat, threat assessment, Smart threats, dimensions of assessment


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

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