Deputy Chancellor for Research on the Air Defense of Khatam-al-Anbia (pbuh)
The main purpose of the present research is to investigate the role of distributional cognition on team performance in dynamic and high-risk environments. The research method was mixed (quantitative and qualitative), and the statistical society in the qualitative stage, experts in the field of cognitive psychology and experts in this field, which was selected on the basis of the judiciary sampling method of 26 people. In the quantitative stage, the statistical population of the study included operational staff in one From the air defense operations centers in Tehran, 135 people were randomly selected using the Morgan table. To collect data, Delphi technique and questionnaire were used. Researcher-made questionnaire on Distributed cognition, Environmental Dynamics and Team Performance (2004) was performed on subjects. Their validity has been proven by experts and professors. The data were analyzed using the statistical method of structural equation modeling using AMOS software. The fitting indices of the model were extracted and the results of the present study showed the optimal fit of the model and was confirmed. The results of the research showed that the distribution of knowledge with the highest impact factor (0.79) on team performance and environmental dynamics with the lowest impact factor (0.35) on team performance as well as cognitive distribution with environmental dynamics were negatively correlated (0.46) ) Were significant and finally, cognitive distribution along with environmental dynamics explained 0.69 of team performance changes
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A. askari, "The role of distributional cognitive on the performance of teams in dynamic and high-risk environments," Quarterly Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies on Strategic Knowledge, 11 45 (2022): 270-239,
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