Studying the level of familiarity of high school students and teachers in Alborz province with soft war and non-operational defense against it and their empowerment methods

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Doctoral student of measurement and measurement, University of Tehran

2 university of tehran

3 boali


The passive defense as the most peaceful way to deal with threats and disasters is a cultural issue that needs to be well-established in society. This research was carried out with the aim of "studying the level of familiarity of high school students in Alborz province with soft war and passive defense against it and their empowerment methods." The research method was descriptive survey, the statistical population of the study included all students and educators of secondary schools in the province of Alborz in the academic year 2012. The statistical sample was 536 people who were selected by cluster from four provinces of alborz. The instrument used to collect information is two researcher-made questionnaires. The first questionnaire of soft warfare and passive defense against it, consisting of 28 closed-ended questions and the second questionnaire, empowerment techniques consisted of 61 questions with 5-point Likert scale. Reliability of these questionnaires was 0.86 and 0.89, respectively. The results of data analysis indicate that students in the fields of empirical sciences, humanities, mathematics and physics are respectively the highest and the students of the fields of work and knowledge and technical and vocational education respectively have the least degree of familiarity with Soft warfare and passive defense against it.


Main Subjects

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