Identifying, assessing and ranking the risk of maritime knowledge firms using hybrid models

Document Type : Research Paper


1 مدیر آموزش

2 master

3 مدرس دانشگاه


The purpose of this research is to present a hybrid model for assessing and ranking the risk of maritime knowledge companies. Maritime knowledge bases were defined as expert use and risk breakdown structure for these companies at three levels. Then, the importance of risk categories and their weight was determined using dimatel technique. In the next step, risk assessment criteria were defined and according to Taguchi's loss function method, each risk was evaluated in each criterion and their loss score was calculated. Finally, by multiplying the risk categories by the average risk loss in the criteria, the final (weighted) loss score was calculated and the risks were ranked accordingly. The results show that "political and legal" and "education" risk categories are more important and affect other risk categories. The risks of “new technology transfer problems”, “inadequate technology inefficiency”, “lack of expertise and expertise in human resources”, “international sanctions” and so on were assessed as the most important risks.


Main Subjects

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