The international reservation of Iran's membership in the Asian Infrastructure Development Bank and its territory

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Islamic Azad University Central Tehran Branch

2 Head of the Department of Law and Postgraduate Studies of the Central Tehran Law School


Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank is a multilateral development bank; Headquartered in Beijing; The bank's mission is not only to preserve the status que but also improve social and economic situation in Asia and beyond, thus enhancing the market, services, communications, and ultimately the revitalization of the Silk Road. The Government of Iran also became a member of the Bank by virtue of the single-clause bill of the Law on the Membership of the Government of the Islamic Republic of Iran, by accepting the Articles of Agreement of the bank,. The important point of this law is its limitations, which are debatable from a legal point of view. Pursuant to Note 2 of the Law on Iran Membership in the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, observance of article (77) and (139) of Constitutional law of the Islamic Republic of Iran, as the case may be, In order to amend the Bank's Articles of Agreement, the subject of Article 53 and to refer to the arbitration subject to Article 53 is required. There are ambiguities as to whether such a condition is in principle permissible or not, as well as the validity of this restriction, and in the event of a dispute whether the court is bound by this condition or not. This article deals with these issues in a Descriptive Analytics manner. The results show that this restriction cannot be invalidated, but if the arbitration appeal is not approved in accordance with domestic law, dispute resolution may face serious challenges.


Main Subjects

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