The study of the ethnic politics of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the northwestern region(A case study of kordish ethnic)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 army

2 تهران، اتوبان بابایی شهرک شهید رسولی بلوک 10 طبقه سوم واحد 14


One of the most influential indicators in policy making in the northwestern region is to estimate the status of the interaction of sovereignty with the ethnic groups in the region. This interaction crystallizes in the form of ethnic politics. Ethnic policies can affect the various dimensions of security-especially its social dimension-dealing with identity issues. Therefore, the researchers' concern was placed on a scholarly study of the ethnic of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the northwestern region. In this research, the researchers are seeking to answer the question of what has been the ethnic policy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the North West region during the last decade? The research hypothesis is also stated that: "Ethnic policies adopted in the northwest region of unity have been multiplied. To answer the research question and its hypotheses, a questionnaire consisting of 19 questions was provided by experts using library resources and case-based methodology. The statistical population of this study was 200 of the officials and experts of security and politics based in the northwest region. Using Cochran formula, 131 of them were selected as the sample size. Finally, after collecting and analyzing information, it became clear that the policy adopted in the northwest region of the of the Islamic Republic of Iran towards the people of Kurdish politics was unity in plurality with a tendency towards pluralism


Main Subjects

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