Organizational Agility Model in Iranian Agricultural Higher Education With a Grand Theory Approach

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D of Agricultural Extension and Education, University of Khuzestan Agriculture and Natural Resources

2 Associate professor of Agricultural Extension and Education, College of Agriculture, Razi University


The present study aimed to design an organizational agility model in Iranian agricultural higher education. semi-structured interviews were performed to the collected data. The statistical population consisted of 20 agricultural higher education specialists and experts with managerial experience in starred academic positions. The grounded theory methodology was applied to construct the hypothesis through inductive qualitative data. In the open coding stage, 1054 meaningful concepts and propositions and 123 corresponding concepts, were extracted. Also, in the axial coding stage, 22 subcategories were extracted from the corresponding concepts In the selective coding, six categories of causal, interfering, background, core, strategies and consequences of organizational agility in agricultural higher education, With subcategories of intelligence and mastery of change, speed and flexibility in the face of change, accountability, knowledge base and innovation of the university (core category), changes in customer and government expectations, technological changes and competitiveness of universities (causal conditions), obstacles inside and outside the organization agility (background conditions), flexible structure, agile workforce, continuous improvement, culture of change, information and communication technology, effective university with environment (interfering conditions), using the capacities and potentials of universities and empowering universities to promote academic agility (strategy), and production of capable and qualified graduates with the knowledge and services required by society (consequences) were achieved and finally, the research conceptual model was offered. The results of present study are essential for achieving the ability of managers to make decisions in agricultural higher education.


Main Subjects

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