Identifying and Conceptualizing the Drivers of Strategic Thinking..

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. student of strategic management, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran

2 Professor, Faculty of Management and Economics, Tarbiat Modares University,Tehran, Iran

3 Professor of Faculty of Management and Economics at Tarbiat Modares University, tehran,iran


However, evidence shows that strategic thinking leads to "developing organizational capacities", "achieving sustainable financial results," and "improving the status of the organization in the environment"; Analysis of studies in the field of strategic thinking indicates the need for a more comprehensive and precise categorization of the drivers of this type of thinking in organizations. Based on this and believing that many factors affect strategic thinking, in this paper, we tried to use multi grounded theory (MGT) to configure a comprehensive model for explaining the drivers of strategic thinking. Analysis of the data from the systematic review of related studies over the last 40 years and interviews with 27 experts that selected through a combination of purposive and snowball sampling methods, led to development a model which categories strategic thinking drivers in three groups: Organizational factors(Including the strategic behavior of top managers, the organizational structure, the systematic training of strategic issues, effective compensation of strategic services, participatory culture, active engagement with stakeholders bodies, the formation of a strategic think-tank, the existence of a proper process of strategic management, the presence of talented employees, the Efficient information system and strategic organizational atmosphere), individual factors and environmental factors. in order to validate the results and evaluate the model from the perspective of "understandability", "comprehensiveness", "applicability" and "innovation”, surveys of experts were conducted over two sequential stages. Result of surveys verified the validity of the acquired results and appropriateness of the final model according to the four mentioned criteria.


Main Subjects

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