The Modeling And Simulation Of Full Spectrum Operations Case Study of U.S. Operations in Sadr City of Bagdad

Document Type : Research Paper


1 PHD student of Imam Hossein University.

2 Associate Professor of Imam Hossein University

3 Associate Professor of Tarbiat Modares University.


New age wars have changed much, proportional with today's human life, and their complexity is far more than the past wars. The full spectrum operations, the latest US military doctrine, takes into account a very complex area of conflict by simultaneously applying all the economic, military, political, and social dimensions of the conflict environment. In this complex condition, it is vital for the commanders that having an evaluating and predicting the desired and undesired effects of each decision in operations and so take the correct and timely decisions. Modeling and simulations methods are very useful for solving this problem and simplfing decision making in complex conditions. But correct designing and application of this methods are not simple. The goal of this research, that type is applied research, is attention to utility of this ability in full spectrum operations conflict environment. biased on power structure modeling, in this research is proposed a quantitive model for evaluation of  U.S. full spectrum operations in Sadr city. By MATLAB software, computed model is simulated and  its efficiency has been investigated.


  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

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