Document Type : Research Paper


1 Ph.D. Student of Public management, Rudehen Islamic Azad University, Rudehen, Iran

2 associate professor, SNDU

3 professor, Faculty of Management & Accounting, Allameh Tabatabai University, Tehran, Iran

4 Department of public administration, faculty of Management and Accounting, Allameh Tabatabaei University, Tehran, Iran


The necessity and importance of organizations “compliance with environmental changes and their accountability towards the said changes has been increased in a way that the concepts of strategy and strategic management have become the major issues of the scientific gatherings.The main problem in this research is the internationalization of strategies and the implementation of codified strategies. The purpose behind this research is to identify the current indicators of human resource strategies implementation. .Implementing the strategy means to make the ground and prepare the requirements for transmitting from preparation to operation stage. The method used in this study is qualitative. In the qualitative part, the theme analysis method is used. The ideas of 8 skilled persons of Tehran Municipality have been collected through purposive sampling (snowball sampling). In this article. The theme analysis method was used for identifying the factors. MAXQDA software program was used to extract themes. The outcome indicates that setting with code 51 is ranked first. The strategy executable with code 33 is ranked second and strategy drivers with code 30 is ranked third. According to the findings of quality research and procedure sample, the identified issues are formed in 3 procedure stages. The first stage, preparation. The second stage, the operation. The third stage, the transformation management. The results show that the categories defined in the process model obtained from the qualitative section are meaningful and the variables considered in each sector have a significant effect.


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

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