Mathematical modeling of rumor distribution With a defensive approach by looking at verses and narrations

Document Type : Research Paper


1 University of Imam Ali (AS)-Department of theology

2 University of Imam Ali (AS)-Lecturer, Department of Mathematics

3 Imam Ali University(as)-Teacher of Political Science Department


The application of mathematical science can be seen in all sciences. Military sciences are no exception to this, the use of mathematics in wars has a long history. From the parameters of the war, the rumor and publication that is posited as a weapon of psychological warfare, Islam is so important to the psychological security of the community that, in verse 60 of the surah al-Ahzāb, the decree dismissed those who were broadcast by rumors during the war between the people The Islamic State Islamic Center is creating insecurity. This paper presents a new model of rumor distribution. In this paper, by describing the rumor distribution model with the help of a differential equation system, we will analyze and analyze this model from the standpoint of dynamic systems, and divide the society into three distinct categories: ignorant, distribute and stop. By describing the system, we study the stability states of the system, then we can analyze the model under different conditions.


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

    الف. فارسی

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