Designing an personnel Competency Model in Cybersecurity

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Science and Research Branch, islamic azad university

2 Department of Public Administration, Qazvin Branch, Islamic Azad University, Qazvin, Iran


In recent decades, as the Internet and cyberspace have increased, a range of governments have redesigned and revised policies to protect their infrastructure and citizens from potential and actual cyber threats. They have developed their structures and strategies in the military and security fieldsCompetency models are leverage points of effective and efficient human resources management in the field of cyber security. Therefore, in this research, we have designed the cyber security personnel competency model as the main goal of the research. From the objective point of view, the present study is applied-developmental and is also a quantitative research in terms of data collection and analysis. In In order to achieve the research objectives in the first stage after extracting 24 indicators from exploratory studies a conceptual model of research was designed in the form and structure of the iceberg model. In the second stage, a questionnaire was developed based on the model components. The validity and reliability of this questionnaire were evaluated by a survey of 8 experts. In the third stage, according to the opinions of 43 experts in the field of cyber security, the utility and relationships of model components were evaluated using SPSS and PLS software. Based on the results of the research, the model of personnel competence includes two dimensions of technical and professional competencies and general competencies. Technical and professional competencies consist of knowledge and skills. General competencies include self-conceptual components, personality traits, and motivations.


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

    الف. فارسی

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