Transfer of learning in logistic organization

Document Type : Research Paper


1 faculty

2 Ph.D.t of Higher Education Management at Kharazmi University

3 کارشناس


the aim of this study is to identifies factors that impacts transfer of learning to logistic agencies. in order to collect data questionnaire was applied ، which was based on Holton questionnaire and validity and reliability were approved using statistical techniques ، content validity was considered and the reliability of the questionnaire was calculated by Cronbach 's alpha that showed high reliability . the statistical population of this study included employees of one of the logistics organizations in which selected based on the Morgan table .questionnaires were analyzed byPLS and spss software . the results show that the main factors affecting the transfer of learning include organizational factors ، individual factors ، educational factors and meta - organizational factors and each of these core elements has other effective elements on the transfer of learning in logistic organizations and finally some suggestions were offered. . key word: education, learning, transfer of learning, logistic organization.


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

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