U.S. Penetrative Strategy against the Islamic Republic of Iran (IRI) in the Perspective of Imam Khamenei (ph): A Model

Document Type : Research Paper




America implements the project of penetration against the IRI based on four priorities in line with strategy collapse from inn and pressure from out including: 1- cultural clout through cultural raid; 2- political clout through political NATO; 3- economic clout through economic terrorism; i.e. the three stages of subversion; 4- security clout through security threat or pressure from out which directly or indirectly changes belief and behavior. Through penetration, America pursues the subversion of the government, revolutionary acculturation and the use of penetrated elements to affect the perception of people and officials. A case penetration like espionage in the decision-makers and officials or penetration through networks changes ideals, values, beliefs, views, demands and lifestyle. Meanwhile, this study is an applied-developmental research which is conducted upon case-based method and gathers data on desk and makes up a population of 70 persons. In the same vein, this study aims at the examination of dimensions, elements and the criteria of the US penetration against the IRI’s system. The initial stage is penetration and U.S. return to Iran which includes four steps; the second is misestimation which includes three steps, and the third stage is containment strategy and restriction through scare by convincing.


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

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