The Specific Feature Of The Operation In The Field Of Armed Conflict

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Asistant profesor Azad univercity

2 Asistant Professor of International Law Department of Islamic Azad University Najafabad Branch


The terror phenomenon and terrorist is one of the most dreadful phenomenon that has been developing in a highly organized manner in recent years. In addition to politics domain this issue has been more considered international human rights fields or in the right of armed conflicts domain yet. This phenomenon can also be divided into to targeted and non targeted forms of terrorist operation which due to its high significance ،pursuing each case needs particular condition. Obviously the expansion of international responsible organization in this area is also different. So that , the security council believes that wether the type of terrorist operation is an armed attack or not, will be effective in inscription issuing procedure. Failure of providing a precise definition of the terrorism concept in a way that can be ciled by the legal standard ’has opened way for the expensive and generalization of such actions .comprehension of precise and concept by looking at the future of terrorist acts.’ In particular by Paramilitary Groups and how to cite legitimate defenses by the victim’s government and ‘consequently preemptive measures by other involved ‘can prevent speech such activities and actions ‘as well as generalize them to other


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

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