Supply system (training, education, employment) agents of strategic levels of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the level of the Islamic Revolution.

Document Type : Research Paper


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Strategic agents in the Islamic Republic of Iran are one of the most influential factors in the public administration of the country and the advancement of the Islamic Revolution and the preservation of its achievements. For this purpose, a system for training, education and employment of agents at strategic levels, and at the level of the Islamic Revolution, is not provided in the framework of the competencies, capacities, knowledge, skills and competencies by scientific Islamic methods, trained and employed. Therefore, designing a method that can train this class of managers is one of the serious concerns of public administration in the Islamic Republic of Iran. The main question of this research is what is the supply system (training, education, employment) of agents of strategic levels of the Islamic Republic of Iran at the level of the Islamic Revolution? The method used in this research is quantitative. The researcher first modeled the system by studying and reviewing the literature. Data were analyzed using SPSS software and the percentage, mean and t-test were used. Religious and revolutionary values, scholarly, courageous, with a jihadist spirit, efficient, insightful, pro-justice and pro-people, and professional competencies appropriate to their job, which is constantly monitored and evaluated, and education continues.


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

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    ب. انگلیسی

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