Explaining Discourse of Thoughts, Opinions, Ideas and Guidelines of Imam Khamenei(His long shadow is long and continued) Against Economic Sanctions

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Professor & Faculty member of Tehran University

2 Associate Professor & Faculty member of Imam Hossein Comprehensive University


The aim of this research is to "explaining discourse of thoughts, opinions, ideas and guidelines of Imam Khamenei(His long shadow is long and continued)against economic sanctions". The present research is an applied-development research that in it according to necessity, documentary methods, quantitative and qualitative content analysis as well as discourse analysis is used to explain their thoughts, opinions, ideas and commands.
The results of the analysis of Imam Khamenei's discourse(His long shadow is long and continued) show that the enemy, having a discourse of domination with the aim of imposing more effective and efficient sanctions and economic pressures, in performing not turning the sanction into opportunity (threat), not having of economic tricks, not use of valuable experiences, not having of insight ss well as the continued lack of endeavor(Jihad) to against of sanctions, has imposed sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran. What was considered as a dislocation of the present discourse was considering the sanctions by the enemy as a growing threat.
In response to such sanctions, the main element in the discourse, which is somewhat explained at the level of the community and the authorities, is intelligently and authoritatively confrontation with sanctions, which of accordingly, the concepts of confronting domination spirit and economic self-sufficiency, production of knowledge base along with emphasis on creating justice in terms of sanctions as well as as endurance and economic tolerate in the framework of this discourse has been manifested.


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

    الف. فارسی

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