An approach to social unrest in the Islamic Republic of Iran from the perspective of the Supreme Leader

Document Type : Research Paper




In this study, considering the importance of recognizing social unrest, it has been attempted to study and analyze the statements of the supreme leader in this field. This research is based on qualitative paradigm and thematic analysis research method. In order to gather information and data needed for this research, first words related to the concept of social unrest such as agitation, insecurity, chaos in Supreme Leader's statements were searched; Because, in his statements, Supreme Leader did not use the concept of social unrest. Secondly, by referring to the indexed section of his statements on the Supreme Leader's website, more than 114 leaflets were obtained. The data were analyzed using Maxqda software and coding method.
The results showed that the data obtained from the analysis of the Supreme Leader's on social unrest can be divided into 16 organizer themes: "definition", "nature", "history of creation", "beginnings", "internal origins". "," Role of foreigners"," tools "," elements "," sponsors "," type of foreigner’s support", "cause of internal elements support "," goals "," opportunistic look "," consequences "," importance of management "and They classified "tools and how to manage" and also identified 111 basic themes.


Main Subjects

  • فهرست منابع و مآخذ

    الف. فارسی

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